We have made the process of charitable donations even easier and convenient; make your donations through a hassle-free scheme, which minimizes your tax expense!

Payroll giving – the easy tax-free way to donate to Islamic Aid.

You can support the work of Islamic Aid by making a regular contribution through your payroll.

Payroll giving

Payroll Giving is a flexible scheme which allows UK employees to give regularly and on a tax free basis to Islamic Aid. Payroll Giving donations are deducted before tax so each £2 you give will only cost you 80p, and if you’re a higher rate tax payer it will only cost you 60p.

Payroll Giving (workplace giving) is a valuable, long term source of revenue, providing regular income to help Islamic Aid budget and plan ahead more effectively.

Its cheaper because its tax free – for example, a donation of £5 per month costs the basic rate tax payer £4 (the taxman pays the rest!)

Higher rate taxpayers- the only way to pass on your 40% or 50% tax to Islamic Aid. Only 28% can be recouped via other ways of giving.

If your employer operates a payroll giving scheme, charity donations can be deducted from your gross salary before tax – so they cost you less and the taxman makes up the difference.

To set up a regular gift contact your employer’s payroll department. If they do not have a suitable scheme in place they can set one up free of charge, simply by contacting an approved Payroll Giving Agency, like Charities Aid Foundation.

Why choose Payroll Giving?

It will transform lives

You can help the world’s poorest people gain access the basics of life like food and water, improved healthcare, education and livelihoods.

It will support the longer-term planning of projects

Regular monthly giving means that we can plan long term projects, reaching as many people as possible.

It is the most tax-efficient way to donate

The donation you make is tax-free to you, meaning that your money goes further. Find an explanation of the tax benefits here. The amount you choose to give will come out of your salary (or pension) before it is taxed, meaning your overall income tax liability is reduced.

If you would like Islamic Aid to receive a donation of £15, simply set up a deduction of £15 from your salary, and you pay no tax on this amount.

It’s easy to manage

Payroll giving makes it easy to manage your donation. Your gift is deducted straight from your salary, so you never have to worry about paying it. You can also amend or stop your donations at any time.

Give as much or as little as you like

You choose how much you would like to donate each month; there is no minimum or maximum amount. To help you decide, our calculator will work out the net cost of your donation.

Employers are often willing to match your donation

By asking your company to match your donation, your gift to Islamic Aid can reach even more people.

It’s easy to sign up: We’ll show you how.